Mares Grace Ergotrim BC Vest - MAP

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Top of the line Mares jacket w/Ergotrim Buoyancy Control System


Mares Grace Ergotrim BC Vest - MAP



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The Grace Ergotrim scuba diving BCD incorporates Airtrim 2.0 technology with an ergonomic configuration which includes a pneumatic inflation and deflation system.

New Ergotrim technology allows the diver to adjust their trim no matter what position they are in. The Ergo command can be used in a standard way by instructors when demonstrating skills, but also works as an Airtrim when inserted in its dedicated holder.

The side pockets are made in elastic Supratex material, offering the best elasticity and resistance, and adding comfort and functionality to your dives.

An optional kit can also be added to the Grace Ergotrim. Available in 4 colors, it allows you to personalize your BCD and also includes a useful line cutter with both a ceramic and a titanium blade.

The main characteristics of the Grace Ergotrim BCD are:

• Ergotrim technology allows the diver to adjust buoyancy no matter the diving position
• The Ergo command can be used like a ‘classic’ inflator by an instructor when teaching, but will work as an Airtrim when in its dedicated holder
• The aircell is separated from the shoulders, meaning greater comfort in the shoulder area when inflated
• High lift aircell with winglets
• Monoplate backpack fits single or double tanks
• 50mm swivel buckles
• Stainless steel D-rings
• Adjustable cummerbund
• High capacity cargo pockets with supratex stretch panels
• Smart trim weight positioning
• SLS weight system
• Visual confirmation of proper weight pouch insertion
• Personalizable label on weight pockets

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