Ocean Reef Space Extender Full Face Mask w/2nd Stage

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Side view low profile w/optional GSM Mercury Comm System


Ocean Reef Space Extender Full Face Mask w/2nd Stage


Was $1,200.00

(Save $301.00)

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The Space Extender, is the mask for the avid diver, advanced adventurer and diving professional

  • Cold water certified, balanced, on demand, integrated regulator.
  • Polycarbonate visor (siloxane double coated for scratch resistance).
  • Directional exhaust valve (4 positions).
  • Dive / pre dive switch.
  • Lifetime warranty!
  • Includes the Extender Kit (frame + accessories).
  • This IDM has it all right off the bat. 
  • A fully customizable product that can serve all your needs and grow with your preferences thanks to a full line of accessories that can be integrated at any time with your mask.
  • Equipped with a surface air valve (SAV) that allows the diver to breathe ambient air while at the surface.
NACS was built with the possibility of breaking (for engagement reasons) in mind. Our customers (not everyone) didn’t like the fact that it could break – they preferred something sturdier and more reliable. We created the Extender to solve this problem too. The concept is the same as the old NACS, but it’s now a solid piece with the frame. this distributes the weight perfectly along the mask AND is comfortably located and rigid so that it does not flap on your ear when moving.

The frame has a flat, trapezoid shape, specifically made for sport camera stickers, or to drill holes and fix lights to it.


These earphone supports serve multiple purposes. First of all you have 2 of these. You can mount either one, or both together. When mounting both, you will have to renounce to the new NACS. These are the natural fittings for the earphones (MHA-2) of the GSM G-Power SL communication unit, once complete, this systems let’s you enjoy a double speaker system, with volume control and extra range. Either having or not the GSM G-Power SL unit, the supports, once the plug is inserted, can serve as sport camera supports (such as the GoPro camera) – the shape is that of the sticker for this popular camera, and you can then figure out a 90° angle arm. Or, you can just drill holes in the plug, and mount whatever you want to them. The plugs rotate 30° vertically, which means, anything you attach to them will be able to do the same! for example – a light!


It comes with

  • A padded bag to protect and carry your IDM
  • Warranty Registration – Limited Lifetime Warranty with these babies!
  • The full Extender Kit (frame + accessories – frame is already mounted).
  • Equalisation plugs set. 3 sizes.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Standard Hose.
  • Stickers to show off you’re an OCEAN REEF addict.

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